Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Chad Vader

Chad Vader is a comedic web series on Youtube. Though I personally didn't find myself overly fond by the show, it "made a big viral splash in 2006 and became one of the most viewed series on YouTube". There are many differences between online series like this one and regular television shows. The obvious difference is the variation in length, of course. While Chad Vader is only 8 minutes long, a series on television lasts usually anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour. There is also a huge budget difference. Web series don't get as much funding as regular shows; thus they are shorter, less expensive, usually not featuring big stars, ect. These shows can still be successful, just through a different form of media. Its useful to have these shows online because digitization is the era our nationsis currently  growing towards. Everything's moving to the internet and coming out with online options. The show being on Youtube saves them money because its freely uploaded. TV shows and online series are both based on an ad-based revenue. Youtube and Hulu both feature ads before, after or during their shows-- even on the side or bottom of the screens sometimes. The more popular the show, the greater motives advertisers have to pay for ad space on the site and during the shows, just as they do for television. Shows can be successful regardless of their mode; it simply depends on the quality put into it.                                Babelgum Viral Sensation: Chad Vader          

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