On perusing the internet, one may find arguments on both
sides of Piracy. One of the arguments that has surfaced in favor of piracy regards
the question as to whether or not piracy is technically "stealing". This
argument essentially states that piracy isn't stealing, as piracy simply makes
a copy of the product, but does not actually remove a product from a shelf. One post states that when a company, such as Macsoft claims that piracy has cost
them millions and millions of dollars, they are pulling numbers out of their
behind. The claim shared by many in favor of piracy assumes that the pirates
would not even purchase the product had piracy not been available, so to claim
"loss", by their logic, is inaccurate as a physical ownership never
the problem: to a certain degree, this argument is correct, insofar as many
companies will publish statistics claiming a certain amount to have been
"lost" due to piracy, when this number is created assuming that every
one of these sales would have happened had piracy not been an option. Some companies
will go so far as to inflate the statistics to make piracy seem even worse. In
one instance,
the Business Action To Stop Counterfeiting produced a statistic claiming that piracy will have cost
Europe "over 240 Billion Euros by the year 2015 and result in 1.2 million
jobs being lost in the same period." These claims were later revealed to
have been inflated heavily, and to have unsuccessfully posted a thorough explanation
of the study's means of achieving these statistics. This seems to be a
ubiquitous phenomenon on the internet. A number can be scary, but who is to say
whether or not it is accurate?
yes, companies will claim losses higher than what actually occurred, but this
does not mean they are not hurt. On the Pro-piracy argument, the assumption is
made that NONE of the those who pirated would have ended up buying if piracy
was not an option. This is false. One should not make blanket claims about the
population without actually addressing the population. As piracy deals with the
subject of potential, one must address how people would act--which is exactly what one study did, when analyzing
losses to the MPAA due to Piracy. This study noted how it is inaccurate to
claim all instances where someone pirated a copy of a film a loss, as, not
every person would have bought one had piracy not been available. SO in order
to more accurately portray the losses, this study DID THE RIGHT THING and asked
the people! In several extensive surveys, they were able to determine who would
have bought a film if piracy were not available--and the numbers were
substantial. Here are the statistics:
-$5.5 billion annually loss to U.S. workers, $1.9 billion from workers in the motion picture industry, $3.6 billion from other workers in U.S. industries.
-141,030 new jobs would have been added to the U.S. economy.
-$837 million in lost tax revenue.
This study analyzed statistics limited to the film industry, but was able to determine what how this sample represented the whole of U.S. economy. So no, "stealing" is not occurring, as this word applies to the physical loss of a product, when the losses considered due to piracy are all theoretical. This argument, however should not be used to rationalize piracy. Convenience does not muddy the law, but it does seem to muddy many people's sense of ethics. On the other end, however, it is the responsibility of these statistic-publishing companies to give accurate, nonskewed data with listed sources and information on the means of achieving statistics. lists such as these are clear and thorough, but they do not publish much information, if any about sources or methodology. When trying to battle piracy, insulting pirates' intelligence is not the best way to go.
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